There are ways to tell your Pokémon's approximate happiness though. Pokémon that require happiness to evolve will do so from when they level up whilst having a happiness of 220 or above - but seeing as this is a hidden stat, there's no way to know exactly how much happiness they have in game. There's a specific, hidden number for your Pokémon's happiness, starting at zero and up as far as 250 and beyond. It's primary use is to evolve certain Pokémon, but it can also change the effectiveness of moves 'Return' and 'Frustration', where high or low friendship will improve their strength respectively.

Happiness - also known as friendliness, but not to be confused with 'affection' in Pokémon Refresh - is a hidden stat that determines how close a Pokémon is to its trainer.

Do Pokémon Sun and Moon finally prove a weird fan theory? Pokémon Sun and Moon Happiness: How it works, how it's used and Happiness checker location in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon There are multiple methods that'll get you your Alolan Persian, Silvally or Snorlax in no time, which we've outlined for you below. While there are many ways for Pokémon Sun and Moon Evolutions to take place, some require you to raise a Pokémon's Happiness to a certain level before it can move onto the next evolution, and so learning how the mechanic works and how to increase it pays off. Pokémon Sun and Moon Happiness and Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Happiness is one of the more obtuse mechanics in the game.